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Worship Services

Sunday Holy Eucharist 

  7:45 am  & 10:00 am

       followed by coffee hour



Weekdays Daily Office

​  9:30 am & 5:00 pm 

       livestreamed on FB & YT


Thursday Healing Service  

   12:00 pm 


Our bulletins guide you through our services, invitations for active ministries and weekly community announcements:

Parish Blog

A collection of reflections, experiences and 'lessons learned' by Fr. Conor Alexander, the new rector of St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Wayne, PA. 

Livestream of all services available on: 


Saint Mary's Episcopal Church
 in Wayne, PA

Love of God... Love of Neighbor, Friend, and Stranger Alike

Our Mission: God is calling the people of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Wayne, Pennsylvania to follow Jesus’ teaching to love God with all our hearts, souls and minds; and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Therefore we love and embrace each other, friend and stranger alike in worship, service and prayer
as we seek to live in and share God’s Word.

                            – Adopted by the St. Mary’s Vestry, May 2015

Heads Up & Save the Date

Lent observed March 9th - April 19th

Upcoming Special Services:

Holy Week 

Palm Sunday April 13th

- 7:45 & 10:00am

Maundy Thursday April 17th

- 7:00pm

Good Friday April 18th

- 12 Noon Good Friday Liturgy

- 3:00pm Music of the Passion (Bach, Handel, Pergolesi, Tchaikovsky)

Holy Saturday Easter Vigil April 19th

- 8:00pm The Great Vigil of Easter

Easter Sunday April 20th

- 7:45am Rite One

- 10:00am Rite Two Choral accompanied by Philadelphia Brass


Wharton Esherick Museum
Friday, May 2nd 
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Thursday, May 8th
11:00am to 12:00pm

This spring, the Women of St. Mary's have scheduled two guided tours of the Wharton Esherick Museum. One takes place on Friday, May 2nd from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. The other is scheduled for Thursday, May 8th from 11:00am to 12:00pm. There is a small fee for each tour, which can accommodate 8 people. If you would like to be included, please let Erlis Wickersham know and we will arrange it with you.

Garden and House tour of Chanticleer
Thursday, June 26th

We have also reserved a Garden and House tour of Chanticleer on Thursday, June 26th at 11:00am, followed by a lovely lunch at Linda Noll's house. There is room for twelve people on this tour. It takes about an hour and there is also a small fee. Please tell Erlis if the Chanticleer event appeals to you. All are welcome, men and women. Since space is limited,  we urge you to reserve early.

HOLY WEEK AT ST_edited.jpg

Noah’s Ark Thrift Store is OPEN for SPRING SEASON!


Help St. Mary's Restore Homes
for Those in Need April 12 

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. - Ephesians 2:10

Embrace the spirit helping others by joining St. Mary’s volunteers to repair homes and restore hope for low-income families on Saturday, April 12th. The event is organized by Good Works, a Christian nonprofit organization located in Phoenixville, PA. Any skill level is welcome. To sign up, contact Scott Scheidt. Let's make this year unforgettable by creating positive change together for families in need!

Fuel the Community:

Nourish Our Neighbors:
Donate Meat & Veggie Essentials
to St. Mary’s Little Free Pantry

St. Mary’s Church food pantry strives to fight hunger and build a caring community. Help us by donating nonperishable meat & vegetable items like canned chicken, canned peas, tuna, carrots, beef stew, Spam, and vegetable soup. Please place your donations in the Little Free Pantry basket in the narthex. Your kindness cultivates hope!

Weekly Activities

Father Greene Room.jpg


Adult Formation - 9am  

The Book of Common Prayer

Father Conor will lead a discussion on the Book of Common Prayer, its contents and practices. 

Please join us!  If you have questions, please contact Erlis Wickersham.

You may read our discussion topics for Adult Formation here: 
Discussion topics for Adult Formation

Children's Chapel - During 10am Service (Children follow Children's Chaplain out to Chapel during Gospel Procession)

We recognized the changes that the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday will bring to the Chapel: no more flowers on the altar, the two crosses will be veiled, and by “burying” the Alleluia banner we acknowledge we will not be saying or singing that word.  We have been working on creating our own Stations of the Cross over the last few Lenten seasons and hope to finish them this year. We reviewed the ones we have completed and then turned our attention to the last events of Jesus’ life we still need to portray.


If you have questions about Children's Chapel please contact Edith Helms

Monday Bible Study  

Monday morning Bible study meets on Zoom at 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Monday morning Bible Study at 11 AM


During the months of February and March, the 11am Bible study class has been discussing the book of Jeremiah.  We intend to begin a close analysis of Ezekiel on March 31st. We will follow this by reading the book of Daniel, and then we will turn our attention to the New Testament. Please consider adding this Bible study to your Lenten devotions. You will be in good company and always most welcome. If you have questions, please feel free to contact  Erlis Wickersham.

As the church moves in new directions, this is an ideal time to commit yourself to closer acquaintance with the Bible. We offer a discussion class in which all can participate, or you can just drop in to listen.  Come when you can and always be assured of a warm welcome. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Erlis Wickersham.

Please consider joining us as we explore the Scriptures. 

11:00 am. Zoom meeting link HERE

Meeting ID: 832 4824 9414

Passcode: 938591

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,94462568155# US (New York)

+13017158592,,94462568155# US (Washington DC)

Wednesday - St. Mary's Book Club

St. Mary's Book Club
Wednesday, April 9th at 2pm 
at Ellen Buerklin's house


The next meeting of the book club takes place at Ellen Buerklin’s house at 2pm on April 9th. At that time, we will discuss Matthew Pearl’s suspenseful novel, The Dante Chamber. On May 14th at Jean Wetzel’s home, we will read A Warrior of the People by Joe Starita. Everyone is cordially invited to attend, whether you have read the book or not. If you have questions, please contact  Erlis Wickersham.

          You may view our list of book club readings for 2025  here

          You may find our Discussion Questions on November's Book, The First Ladies here  

Please come to the book club! You don’t even have to read the book. The conversation is always lively, and we serve delicious refreshments.   If you have questions, please contact  Erlis Wickerhsam. 


Please check here for our current discussion questions 
Please click here for the 2025 Reading List

st marys historical exterior

Our Story:

St. Mary's has been on the corner of Lancaster and Louella Avenue for over a hundred and thirty years.  St. Mary’s and the village of Wayne grew up together.  If you like, you can find a historical account of that growth HERE, but please know, our focus is not on our past, but rather it is on the church of the 21st century.  


As an Episcopal Church, we love our liturgy.  We will pray and sing and learn together through liturgy that honors God and feeds our soul.   When you come visit, we will welcome you with open arms.  As we grow in our relationship, we will hold your hand and cry with you if you are sick or distressed, and we will rejoice with you as you celebrate life's milestones. We will challenge you to learn more about God and how God will reconcile the world back unto himself. And we will prepare you to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Answers to frequently asked questions about St. Mary's liturgy, customs and our facility.

Fellowship & Ministries
Contact us
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